
Family Law Lawyer Austin, Texas

[lawyer_text]Family Law Lawyer Austin, TexasSome occasions that call for a family law attorney are joyous, such as adoption. Unfortunately, many of the occasions that call for a family law attorney can be emotionally and financially trying, such as what many people experience when they go through a divorce and/or a battle over child support and custody. The compassionate and caring team at The Law Office of Jason Wright has successfully helped family law clients in a wide array of circumstances. If you have questions about your particular situation and whether or not it will benefit you to enlist the help of a family law attorney, we are here to discuss what your options are. The following are common reasons that people have been glad they turned to our experienced family law team for help with:


Many people welcome the opportunity to become new parents and many people work incredibly hard to be able to do this. Even the simplest and most straightforward adoption takes legal work in order for it to be executed properly. Jason Wright and his staff have successfully helped families reach their hopes and dreams for expanding their family.

Whether you are in the process of trying to adopt a baby you’ve never met before; are trying to adopt the child of a spouse or partner; are trying to adopt a child you already know who no longer has their biological parents available to take care of them; are trying to adopt a child who you have been fostering; or any other situation where you want to officially and legally welcome a new member into your family, the experienced team at the Law Office of Jason Wright, will be honored to be entrusted with this auspicious occasion.

Divorce, Child Custody & Money

An unfortunate reality is that on top of the heartache and stress of going through a divorce, the dissolution of marriage usually results in a division of property and an increase in expenses. When a divorcing couple has children, making arrangements for the children typically adds to the emotional and financial stress of a divorce. One way to decrease this stress and potentially to save your future financial health, in the long run, is to have an experienced attorney on your side to make sure that your and your children’s rights are being protected.

Jason Wright has gone through this with many people before you. Often, Jason works to find creative solutions to keep your case out of the courtroom in the hope of saving a significant amount of time and money. However, in the event some aspect of your case has to go to a courtroom, Jason is knowledgable with the Texas Family Code and an experienced litigator in the courtroom. He is prepared to bring whatever kind of fierce representation that needs to be done in order to protect his clients’ needs and best interests.

Regardless of how complicated your divorce, child custody, child support or alimony needs are, the Law Office of Jason Wright is here to help.

LGBT Rights

Many peoples’ financial circumstances warrant the practical need for a pre or postnuptial agreement in order to protect money and assets. There are many different reasons for people to need to do this before entering into a marriage. A common reason for this is when wealth has been passed down through a family from generation to generation, but there are many other situations that create this need. And while a prenuptial or postnuptial is really done from a strictly legal and fiscally sound viewpoint, many peoples’ emotions have a hard time with the idea that there is a plan in case the marriage ends. The Law Office of Jason Wright is sensitive to these needs and has successfully helped couples come up with legally sound and safe plans while making the couple feel comfortable with the process and not like it is making a plan for their ultimate divorce.


Even though the federal government made it legal for same-sex couples to get married and granted them the same rights as heterosexual couples in 2015, many non-heterosexual people in Texas that want to get married and publicly celebrate their union, still face challenges and complications with their legal status as a couple, that heterosexual people do not. We will fight for you and your loved one’s rights to be upheld so that you can focus on your union, special day and your future together.

If you are in need of help with any of the above family matters or ones not mentioned here, contact the compassionate team at the Law Office of Jason Wright.[/lawyer_text]

Texas divorce lawyer Jason Wright named SuperLawyers 2020 Rising Star

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Client Review

“Jason is very professional and friendly. He patiently explained everything as many times as I needed and made the law easier to understand. Gave great advice and listened to all of my suggestions walking me through if they would work or not.”
Jami L
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